
‘Art of Pilates is artistry of movement,
control and enjoyment of your body’

Expect empowering and uplifting experience

The concept of Pilates Art Studio program is based on authentic technique of Mr. J.H. Pilates and exclusively on INDIVIDUAL APPROACH of it’s owner and certified Pilates Instructor Petra Kosović Sušec, to each client severally, putting at first place abilities, desires and comfort of each client.

Meet Petra


Petra Kosovic is an accomplished athlete and Pilates instructor, who has been professionally involved with sports and fitness from the earliest childhood, spending her formidable years training as a competitive and synchronized swimmer.

After a year of practicing Pilates recreationally, she developed a great interest in the method and decided to pursue it professionally.

Though I’m just in the middle of my first fitness “semester”, I am officially excited about how re-energizing and revitalizing this whole workout thing is!

Virgil Cook

Before I was referred here by my old good friend Janette, I never considered the fitness workouts routine to be so efficient. Now, my body proves me wrong!

Julie Collins

I am amazed at how quick are the first results are, all of which I sincerely attribute to my newly found love for these fitness workouts! I lost some weight and I feel amazing!

Steven Ayokee

Before I was referred here by my old good friend Janette, I never considered the fitness workouts routine to be so efficient. Now, my body proves me wrong!

Emma Poppuri

Though I’m just in the middle of my first fitness “semester”, I am officially excited about how re-energizing and revitalizing this whole workout thing is!

Alison Winnergate